Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wild in the light!

I was talking with a friend the other night and he mentioned the concept of a tame horse vs. a wild horse and it got me to thinking. I think we have an incorrect perception of a tame horse. There is no such thing as a tame horse. There are wild uncontrolled horses some of whom we call tame because they are in a pasture and some that are living in the wild. The real difference is not wild or tame but submitted and respectful or rebellious and disrespectful.

If we look at the great men of the bible and Jesus himself, they were not tame men. Moses beat an Egyptian soldier to death, David and his mighty men killed thousands in battle, Jesus turned over the money changers tables in the middle of the temple and then later walked to his death on the cross. What makes these stories so amazing is how these wild men of God could do what they did.

The reason they accomplished the things they did was because they were submitted to God. Moses submitted to God's leading and led a million people through the Red Sea. David stood in an open field with a sling and a few rocks and killed a nine foot tall giant and later ruled the Nation of Israel. Jesus said time and time again I do nothing that I don't see my Father doing and I say nothing I don't hear my Father say, I of mine own self can do nothing. Perfectly submitting his personal will to the will of his heavenly Father he walked to the cross and died in my place and yours.

When I work with horses, my number one goal is to get the fear out of them and my second goal is immediately to start teaching them how to respect me as their leader. As they realize they need not fear me because I don't ever do anything to hurt them, they can begin to submit to my leadership. They then become a wildly powerful creature submitted to my leading able to do amazing things. But only when they are free of fear and submitted to be led. Left to their own wild uncontrolled life they are just prey for the wolves.

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