Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Celebration for the less fortunate of our community!

What a great day we had yesterday sharing the love of Jesus by sharing our horses with the folks from our community. Each year a group of local churches, business, and ministries get together to provide a meal and a celebration of Easter with the less fortunate in our community. We have been bringing horses for the last 4 years along with Ron and Barb Downing and several others. This year was in a new larger location with a park adjacent to it so the kids had a place to go to play and we had a much more convenient place to walk horses.

Each year the number of people in attendance seems to grow. With the long term economic downturn that we have been experiencing there are many in need. Many of these kids just need some extra love from an outside source to let them know they have value. They received candy, face painting, balloon animals, Easter baskets. All of this is provided by individuals and organizations that just want to share the love of God.

Prior to the service Ted Brackman shares the reason for the celebration and tells us that Jesus Christ is risen! and we echo back He is Risen Indeed! We then sang the hymn Jesus Chris is Risen Today before diving into an amazing banquet of ham, turkey, several different casseroles, and all the trimmings including pie and ice cream. Then it's out to the Easter Egg hunt in the park followed by unlimited free horseback rides until about 5:15 in the evening. There are always lots of happy faces on both the children as well as the parents.

How do you share the love of Jesus to world around you? Is there a food bank, a shelter, a clothing bank, or some other service that is in need of volunteers nears you? Ask around, you will likely not find it very hard to find those who would gladly accept your help.

I hope to have a slideshow of the event up soon.

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